Co-Matching Scheme – Expansion Category
DARe has established a Co-Matching Scheme to assist MSMEs with Starting up or Expansion costs. The businesses will have to co-match a minimum of 30% in eligible costs [1], with the remaining to be funded by DARe through the scheme, to a maximum of 70%. The grant is separated into two categories; Starting up category and the Expansion category.
[1] Eligible cost include: Obtaining license and certification; Consultancy services; Machine and Equipment; Marketing Expenses; Adoption of Technology
Darussalam Enterprise
Amount Offered (BND)
Up to BND20,000
Targeted towards businesses that are looking for growth opportunities i.e. increase productivity, expand product range/services or international expansion
Applicable for businesses that have been registered and in operation for more than twelve (12) months
DARe will fund 70% in eligible costs
Must fall within the definition of micro, small or medium enterprise i.e. have fewer than 100 employees
Must practice proper book-keeping, and are able to provide at least six (6) months to one (1) year of financial records (depending on the nature of the business)
Sole Proprietorship and Partnership businesses are encouraged to convert the status of their existing business into Sendirian Berhad (Sdn Bhd)